Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Medium and Profession Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Medium and Profession - Research Paper Example Their role is thus important during the development stage, just before the system is rolled out. They could therefore be found in the research and development departments of Internet provision firms. The choice of this career is informed by the critical role that network architects play in ensuring that the Internet system works as required. It is a career that combines knowledge in both software and hardware to ensure that the modeling, analysis and planning of the Internet system runs as required. Network architecture career requires a bachelor’s degree in information systems. However, as noted by BLS (130), most employers would prefer applicants with Master of Business Administration with a major in Information Systems. Therefore, an early concentration in information technology, computer science, mathematics and language arts would be beneficial to a prospective network architect. Several years of experience make one a better performer in this profession. Though not repres ented by unions, the California Employment Development Department, EDD (2) observes that network architects’ unionization would vary by industry. For example, those in telecommunications could be members of Communications Workers of America. Such unions do not provide internship or entry level mentorship. This profession is important in the Internet medium as it ensures that the medium runs and executes the input commands as required. Information Security Analyst The roles in this career include planning, developing, implementing, upgrading and monitoring of security measures so as to protect the Internet network systems from security risks (BLS 128). Therefore, this career cuts across the various stages of the process of production, but particularly plays a critical role during distribution, when the Internet system gets exposed to security risks. These professionals would thus be found in the security department. The Internet is a large source of information accessible to p eople from all corners of the world. Thus, the choice of this career was informed by the need to understand the profession that enforces the security of the information shared through the Internet. This career also requires a bachelor’s degree in computer science with a majority of employers preferring applicants who hold a Master of Business Administration degree having majored in Information Systems. Hence, Kim and Solomon (423) advise high school students interested in the career to take keen interest in information technology, computer science, mathematics and language arts. No union represents these professionals, though they could join unions depending on their industry, such as the Service Employees International Union for public sector employees, EDD (2). It does not represent internship interests or provide for entry level mentorship. This profession is important in the Internet media as it provides for the protection of an organization’s content in the Intern et from attack. Additionally, information security analysts teach users on network security precautions and respond to any security breaches appropriately. Telecommunications Specialist The Internet medium provides for various media of communication including audio and visual. A telecommunications specialist plays the role of designing, supervising the installation and providing the

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